My Time at CPEA

Tony Chu
Tony Chu
Today I had the honor of speaking at the annual Chinese Pharmaceutical Enterprises Association (CPEA) Meeting.

Key talking points were:

  • Why is China relevant to my NA/EU clients: The importance of the Chinese healthcare market and Chinese capital to the outside world.
  • Why Chinese should invest in these overseas markets: I stressed the real opportunity behind NA/EU innovative products and technology and explained it’s trajectory.
  • Stressed the growth: Explained the surge of Chinese cross-border investments and why they are happening.
  • And, hopefully, gave my audience a better idea of what might work for their firm: Partnerships that could fit their company strategies.

Throughout my 20 minute presentation, I continually stressed why the cross-border relationships work and my favorite word:


Innovation: US to China

创新是产业核心; Innovation is key;

中国亟需创新; China lacks innovation;

中国可通过收购创新技术为国内自主创新打下基础; China acquires innovation to build its foundation;

政府支持产业创新;企业,及投资人更渴求创新科技;Chinese companies and investors, the Chinese government starves for innovation;

创新,已经成为一种口号。我们更需朝此方向不断加速,迈出坚实步伐。Innovation, this word, has become a slogan in the China. It is the right direction that should be move more effectively and faster.

Benefits of Innovations:

美国已投入 大量资金来推动产品和技术的创新;有了中国资本的加入,这些创新技术将收获更丰硕的回报;The U.S. has a lot of capital invested in innovation, but can expect better results with added Chinese capital;

相对应地,这些创新产品能够更有效地 服务中国患者;In exchange, innovative products to benefit patients in China;

此举亦为中国 本土创新打下坚实基础,助力中国在不久的将来成为创新强国;Also we can set up a strong foundation of innovation in China, that our technicians and scientist can build on, so that China can be a strong innovation country one day.

TPP Healthcare的企业使命,同时也是我个人的奋斗理想,便是为中国与西方国家在医疗领域的产业创新合作 搭建桥梁,助力跨境资本交流。My personal goal, as well as our TPP whole company’s mission, is to be the bridge to construct and realize collaborations between China and Western countries in healthcare industry, capital and innovation space.

At TPP, our goal is to make more and more US companies understand the importance of Chinese market, the benefits of Chinese capital and how to better cooperate and build trust with Chinese companies and investors.

I strongly believe that Chinese healthcare cross-border transactions will only continue to grow. There is no argument against the fact that we now have the “perfect storm” as the growing aging population in China hits record highs propelling the industry to grow by double digits, its lack of national innovation and its huge surplus of capital eager to invest in innovative technologies and products.

A big thanks to CPEA for today’s session, as I enjoyed educating the audience as well as hearing others speak. Looking forward to the next one.